Thursday, August 10, 2006

now begins the two week booze

"Kim,Congratulations on earning an A in SLIS 5713! I'm sure you will agree it has been a fast-paced, challenging course, but you did a great job and deserve the commensurate grade.I have enjoyed having you in the class. Hopefully you have taken an opportunity to provide me feedback. You can always send me comments directly, too. (Email: xxxxxxxxx) Lastly, if you feel the course was worthwhile, please recommend it to others. Also, I am developing another WebCT Vista course to teach this fall—SLIS 5719 Topics on Distance Education for Information Professionals. In this graduate readings course we will review a broad spectrum of scholarly literature on Distance Education from technology to pedagogy to Distance Education in Library and Information Sciences. It will be a great opportunity to use your critical thinking skills. Thanks for taking this course. Best wishes for your future. Scott"


Blogger of_clem said...

one step closer/beyond.

3:30 PM  

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